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Boy Scout Troop 43
(Sparks, Nevada)
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It is a very simple process for both Scouts and Adults of Troop 43 to complete the re-charter process.  You will be receiving an email from Scoutlander requesting that you respond within 3 days verifying your information and indicating your desire to re-charter with Troop 43 and whether or not you would like to receive Boys Life Magazine.  Deadline for re-charter is usually in December so we will need your response and dues paid by the beginning of the month.  This will ensure enough time to submit our paperwork and fees.  We will attempt to reach you first by email and then by phone.  If you fail to respond after three attempts it will be assumed that you no longer wish to be chartered with Troop 43.

All Scouts must pay the re-charter fee.  All adults wishing to continue as, or become, a Committee member must pay the re-charter fee.  Any adults wanting to be a chartered member of the Troop must pay the re-charter fee.  Re-charter fees are required by and paid directly to BSA and are separate from Troop 43 dues.  Fees can be paid directly to the Troop or can be deducted from the Scout's individual account.  Contact the Treasurer for individual account balance.  

Chartered adults who do not hold a Committee position are a vital part of the Troop by providing required 'Two Deep Leadership' at activities, transportation to and from activities and having a voice at the Parent/Committee meetings.  I would encourage all parents/guardians to become a chartered member of the Troop and ultimately take on a Committee position, a Troop is only as strong as it's Parent Committee.  BSA requires that all chartered adults complete Youth Protection Training every two years.  Your YPT must be current at time of re-charter.  YPT can be taken online at and takes about 25 minutes to complete.  Click on 'Youth Protection' along the top of the page.  Click 'Boy Scout' under 'Youth Protection' on left side of the page, follow instructions.  Any of the Scoutmasters or Committee members can provide assistance.

As always, Troop 43 does not want financial needs keeping youth from participating in Scouting.  If you are in need of financial assistance, please contact one of the Scoutmasters and we will handle your request with discretion.

Please remember that re-charter fees are required by and paid directly to BSA, they do not go to Troop 43.  Troop 43 dues are separate and will be collected quarterly.

Required for Re-Charter:


Troop $40.00(paid by Troop 43)
Adult $24.00
Scout $24.00
Boys Life $12.00

Youth Protection Training for chartering adults