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Boy Scout Troop 43
(Sparks, Nevada)
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Troop History

     The Boy Scout Troop was started October 1958.  The Sparks United Methodist Church men sponsored the troop with Dr. Lloyd Diedrichsen, Dr. Frank Stokes, Lyle Martin, Frank Gibson and many others.  The Scoutmaster was Mr. Lew Nesler who was Scoutmaster until late 1966.  He had an assistant named Ken Bradley who was a survival instructor at the Stead Air Base.  The Scout Troop grew immensely up to where there were 80 in Troop 43 and 10 patrols of 8 boys who participated.  In those early days, the Stead Air Base supported Troop 43 by giving them a lot of equipment such as used tents.


     Since 1961, 81 boys have gone on to earn their Eagle Scout in Troop 43.  Out of those 81 Eagle Scouts many hold prominent, well rounded jobs, such as; armed forces, business men, congress men, conservationists, doctors, engineers, lawyers,  scout masters,  teachers, UPS workers, etc. Lew Nesler, Ron Hancok, Jeff Bales, Dave Finely, Ray Ritch, Larry Burkholder, Wayne Colwell, Alan Wells, Leon Owens, Eugene Cushing, Bill Thompson,and Steve Fisher have all been Scout Masters for Troop 43.  Currently Mark Ellison is the Scout Master.

     The following boys have received their Eagle Scout while attending Troop 43; David Diedrichsen 1961, Roger Diedrichsen 1961,Stephen Dunning 1961, Melvin English 1961, Ronald Nesler 1961,*Terry Flower 1962, Kenneth Lohr 1963, Charles Thomas 1963, Stephen Weatherford 1963, Reiner Bradley 1964, Clark Hancock 1964, Harry Varnum 1964, Bill Cothran 1966, *Neil Flower 1966, Frank Stokes Jr. 1966, Dana Bowdish 1968, Steffen Bradley 1968, J. Lane Diedrichsen 1968, John Diedrichsen 1968, Randolph Kimpton 1968, Brian Talbot 1968, Richard Varnum 1968, Rodger Burnett 1969, Jeff Codega 1969, David Finley 1969, Stefan Gonzales 1969, Rusty King 1969, Brain Papke 1969, Tom Utley 1969, Randal Adams 1970, Robert Gori 1970, *Mark Talbot 1970, Mark Westervelt 1971, William Finley 1971, Eugene Cushing 1972, *Carlo Bianchi 1972, Phillip Kaiser 1973, *John Kaiser 1973, Thomas Sinkey 1973, Peter Bradley 1975, Kevin Higgins 1977, *Wayne McElhiney 1977,  Brian Higgins 1981, Eugene Koh 1987, James Freeman 1988, Thomas Young 1988, Curtis Ainsworth 1988, Jeff Freeman 1989, Kevin Burkholder 1989, Dan Carpenter 1989,  Jason Wilson 1989, Gilber Lieker 1990, John Scire 1995, Daniel Barthel 1996, James Davis Jr. 1997, Timothy Davis 1997 , Jae Seo 1998, James Cameron 1999, Joseph Ekstrand 2001, Anthony Fiannaca 2003, Eugene H. Cushing 2005, Everest Cushing 2005, Reid Groves 2005, Jason Ruff Jr. 2005, J.T. Minkler 2006, Mathew Lund 2006, Robbie Schlesinger 2008, Dan Labrecque 2008, Jordan Decker 2008, Travis Davidek 2008, Charlie Glynn 2008, Timothy Janca 2009, Alec Braun 2010, Matthew Rainey 2010, Tyler Smith 2010, Adam Kidd 2010, Nathan Perry 2011, Conner Fisher 2012, Brandon Fisher 2013, Noah Rainey 2013, TrevorMaddox 2014, Peter King 2015, and Benjamin McMullen 2016.  *Indicate deceased


Today Troop 43 still meets at the Sparks United Methodist Church.  There are currently 21 Boy Scouts.