Introduction to Merit Badges
Troop 45 supports a very active Merit Badge Program throughout the year and it is overseen by our Committee's Merit Badge Coordinator. Both the Adult Leaders and Committe support the parallel development of leadership through our Patrol Method and the establishment of future career interest and opportunities through our Merit Badge Program. Both in today's society are of immense value to our youth.
Scouts learn about sports, crafts, science, trades, business, and futurecareers as they earn merit badges. There are 120 Merit Badges today and the BSA develops their Program to include more on an on-going basis.Any Boy Scout may earn any Merit Badge at any time. You don't need tohave had rank advancement to be eligible. Additionally, the Troop supports in their Troop Planning Process, opportunities during the month to work with Counsellors in Troop Meetings. Particular focus is given to the "Eagle Required" Merit Badges.
As individual motivation or working with a buddy, Scouts choose a Subject. They then talk to our Scoutmaster about their interests. Usually they are invited to read the requirements of the Merit Badges that they think might interest them. Picking one to earn is easy! OurScoutmaster will give the Scout the name of a person from our list of Merit Badge Counselors or they can easily contact the Merit Badge Counselor located on our private pages of this Website. All of our Counselors have special knowledge in their Merit Badge subjects and are interested in helping every boy. Here is our process:
Scout BuddySystem is a rule. Scouts working on individual Merit Badges must have another person with them at each meeting with the Merit Badge Counselor. This person can be another Scout, their parentsor guardians, a brother or sister or other relative, or a friend.
Callingthe Counselor is a big step. Before Scouts do this they must have a signed Merit Badge application from ourScoutmaster. Afterwards, Scouts are to get in touch with the Merit Badge Counselor and tell himor her that they want to earn the Merit Badge. The Counselor may ask tomeet with the Scout to explain what is expected of him and to start helping himmeet the requirements. Scouts should also discuss work that they havealready started or possibly completed.
Unless otherwisespecified, work for a requirement can be started at any time. Scouts can ask their Counselors to help them learn the things they need to know or do. They should read the Merit Badge pamphlet on the subject. Many copies of these are available through our Troop Librarian.
ShowYour Stuff. When the Scout is ready, he calls or emails the Counselor again to make anappointment to meet the requirements. When he goes to the Counselor, he should take along the things he has prepared to meet the requirements. If they are too big to move,take pictures or have an adult tell in writing what he has done. The Counselor will ask the Scout to do each requirement to make sure that heknows his stuff and has done or can do the things required.
Getthe Badge. When the counselor is satisfied that the Scout has met eachrequirement, he or she will sign the application. The signedapplication is given to our Scout Master so that the Merit Badge emblem can besecured for the Scout.
Requirements. Every Scout is expected to meet therequirements as they are stated—no more and no less. They are expectedto do exactly what is stated in the requirements. If it says "show ordemonstrate," that is what he must do. Just telling about it isn'tenough. The same thing holds true for such words as "make," "list," "inthe field," and "collect," "identify," and "label."
If a Scout has already started working on a Merit Badge when a new edition of the pamphlet is introduced, he maycontinue to use the same Merit Badge pamphlet and fulfill therequirements therein to earn the badge. He need not start all overagain with the new pamphlet and possibly revised requirements.
Have a look at the attachments below to find more information on our Merit Badge Program! As well, if you are interested in becoming a Merit Badge Counsellor for Troop 45 there is a survey that you can complete to return to our Merit Badge Coordinator or Communications Coordinator.
We look forward to having you as a part of our Merit Badge program and seeing our Scouts succeed!
UPDATE: AUGUST 17/2009 Kari Luise