The mission of St. Paul’sChurch is to restore all people to unity with God and each other inChrist…through the ministry of all its members.

Episcopal missionaries were holding services in areahomes as early as 1783. The present church building was consecrated in1892, and in 1919 St. Paul’s became an independent parish.
Thecontemporary history of St. Paul’s began with the arrival of theReverend Norton G. Hinckley in 1953. A new parish house and classroomswere consecrated in 1957.
In 1960 St. Paul’sreceived a bequest from the estate of Mrs. Bertha Wheeler, and thismoney was donated to charitable causes and improvements to the churchphysical plant, and was used as seed money for Wheeler Village, amoderate-income housing project in Southington that continues tooperate today.
Under the leadership of theReverend Peter Knight, who became rector in 1968, St. Paul’s engaged inoutreach to troubled young people through the Reach a Friend Today(RAFT) program.
In 1974, the Reverend Edward(Ned) Prevost became rector. During his tenure the parish greatlystrengthened its worship program and instituted regular healingservices.
The Reverend John McGinn served asrector from 1982 to 1995. During that time, St. Paul’s, along withother town churches, established the soup kitchen, Bread for Life,which continued to be housed at St. Paul’s until 2005.
Inaddition the Memorial Garden was consecrated in 1990, and in 1995 theparish completed a capital drive that allowed the church to make theparish hall and church accessible to persons with disabilities, as wellas other physical plant improvements.
TheReverend Ophelia Laughlin (1998-2000) was instrumental in increasingSt. Paul’s involvement in social and outreach issues, includingsponsoring a displaced family from Kosovo.
TheReverend Terry M. Wysong served St. Paul’s as rector from 2001-2007,during which time the parish saw increases in membership and funding,as well as program growth, particularly Christian Education forchildren and adults, quiet days and retreats. Under her leadership, theparish purchased a parcel of land in anticipation of future expansionand began a Long Range Planning process that continues into 2008 andbeyond.
Reverend JudithToffey was appointed as Interim Rector in December 2007 and served our parish until 2009. We are delighted to have now, Reverend Suzannah Rohman as our Rector, who brings a wonderful energy to our Parish.
Church office hours: Monday-Thursday 10:00 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
Phone: 860.628.8486, Fax: 860.628.5797
Bob Butler, Troop 45's Chartered Organization Representative
Pat Caron, Church Secretary: office@stpaulsouthington.org:
The Rev. Suzannah Rohman, Rector: pastor@stpaulsouthington.org (confidential)
UPDATE: March 31, 2010 Kari Luise